Sunday 10 November 2013

Clear your mind

This is mandala made the traditional way, out of sand.
Today at Enrich we started to do some mandalas. By the way mandalas are not made by Nelson Mandela they are made by buddhists and they use it as a meditation and prayer tool but once they are finished they sweep it up and pour the sand into rivers, lakes, creeks or the sea. But today we did it for maths and we didn't make our mandalas out of sand like the traditional way, we drew ours. You start off by finding the middle of the paper and you draw a dot ( the seed). Then you can use any shape, letter or symbol you want to, as long as you make it symmetrical. All you have to do is clear your mind don't over think and let it grow like nature does. It grows outwards and then once you have got to the edge of the paper you can go back in and add more detail. It sounds easier than it is, trust me. And one more thing there are no mistakes unless you are careless.

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