Sunday 30 June 2013

Expert Help

This is Warren and me having a discussion about my go-kart.
Today Warren (who works at SIT) came in to help me with my go-kart and showed me how he thought it could look like and he told me that he would get me a book of go-karts to see some other designs of karts, steering, braking and loads more. He also wanted me to get some measurements for him so he can see what I am going to be working with. He also told me that I would need to take a trip to SIT so I can see what machines and people I am going to be working with. While I was with Warren I learnt that I can change plans and alter things so they work better.

Sunday 16 June 2013


Do you think about breathing or blinking? Thats just one thing I thought about after Katie's workshop about behaviour patterns today. We also learnt about learned and unlearned behaviours. Learned behaviour is something that you have learned do over time and you are still learning now even if you are an adult. An example is that you learned to go to the toilet when you need to go. Unlearned behaviour are things that you do automatically without thinking, such as: breathing, blinking and sleeping. We also got a page with a whole heap of words on it. We had to put the words into three different categories - thoughts, feelings or behaviours. I put the words into all the right categories and got 100%!!!

Sunday 9 June 2013

B.O.S.S keynote presentation

I suppose you are wondering what B.O.S.S stands for and what it has to do with Enrich? B.O.S.S stands for beauty, order, strength and survivability and all of those categories are the four types of patterns. Patterns is our concept curriculum for terms 1 and 2.

Today I was working on my keynote and it has to include all four types of patterns, and some information of how they fit into that category. So far I am up to doing the strength part of B.O.S.S but I still have heaps of work to do on it
this an example of a pattern of beauty