Sunday 1 December 2013

Good bye Enrich

Today is the last day of Enrich for every year six student here and we probably won't get an opportunity like this again so I have made the most of my time here and I wish that I could be here longer and enjoy this opportunity, learn more and work with other like minds, but that is life. Everyone today has been polishing off their passion projects and making them look great for sharing night. We also finished presenting our affective studies and all of them were great.

As I said before I wish I could be here for longer, but that is life.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Clear your mind

This is mandala made the traditional way, out of sand.
Today at Enrich we started to do some mandalas. By the way mandalas are not made by Nelson Mandela they are made by buddhists and they use it as a meditation and prayer tool but once they are finished they sweep it up and pour the sand into rivers, lakes, creeks or the sea. But today we did it for maths and we didn't make our mandalas out of sand like the traditional way, we drew ours. You start off by finding the middle of the paper and you draw a dot ( the seed). Then you can use any shape, letter or symbol you want to, as long as you make it symmetrical. All you have to do is clear your mind don't over think and let it grow like nature does. It grows outwards and then once you have got to the edge of the paper you can go back in and add more detail. It sounds easier than it is, trust me. And one more thing there are no mistakes unless you are careless.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Drip Drop Splat!

This how my virtual drip painting turned out
Today I did some art called drip painting with Katie, this was a style of painting that was originated in World War ll. This is a way of doing abstract painting which is a painting of random colours but looks good. The hard thing about drip painting is knowing when to stop or when to change colour. To do some drip painting you need to never let the paintbrush touch the canvas and be able to control the brush by knowing how to do lines and blotches. To do a line you need to move the brush quickly over the canvas. You also need to saturate the brush in paint so that you have enough paint to create lines and blotches. We also did some virtual drip painting on My virtual art is above.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Tech challenge

A very great newspaper chair (not ours)
Today we had a Tech challenge and our challenge was to build a chair out of newspaper . The rules were it had to be a chair, had to hold a wooden frog that weighed about 1.5 kg, it had to be freestanding and you can only use the materials given to you. The materials given to us were: a roll of masking tape and five newspapers. To start are team made a stool which was going to be the base of the chair so the frog would be able to sit in it we then built the chair around it. finally after about 40 minutes our chair was complete and we took it down to the judging area where there were some pretty impressive chairs. There was one that was very strong but it was a triangle and there was another one with a table and one that fell over right on the spot so it was disqualified in the end we won!!!  Based on the judges decision they said that our chair looked great and would've been more comfortable to sit on than a triangle chair.

Sunday 15 September 2013


This is my last day of the term and from now on I will only have 8 days left at Enrich so I'm making the most of it! Today we had a second workshop about impressionism painting and we got to choose what we painted. I chose to paint the picture above because I thought it would be a good picture to paint and I could also change so it looks like my perspective of what it would look like in real life. Impressionism is my favourite style of painting because it doesn't have to be perfect and it can be what your perspective is of the picture in real life.

Sunday 8 September 2013


Claude Monet's most famous painting
Today I went to the second workshop of art with Katie and we studied Claude Monet and his art style: Impressionism. This is a type of art which is done by using a flat brush, mixing colours on the canvas and they way he painted which was "tache" which is French for touch. Today most people were doing a lily pad scene which was water using pretty much all of the colours and then mixing blue and yellow (not on the canvas) to create the lily pads. When you are painting you should always remember to do your lily pads and your water different ways. This gives a great stroke effect. I like the style of art Claude Monet did because nothing has to be perfect and it is your impression of what your painting is about.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Affective Study

Today I researched some facts about Michael Jackson for my affective study and I found out heaps of wonderful and weird facts about him. Darryn gave us a criteria we have to meet to be at a certain stage. I am going for the "at" stage (which is the middle stage) because I do not have much free time after school or during the weekends to research. Some of the facts that I found out were that he owned a pet boa constrictor called "Muscles". He also came up with the lyrics for black or white 20 mins before he had to sing it. A survey in 1997 declared that he was the most famous person in the world. This is great because I don't have to explain who he is. (everyone knows him!)