Sunday 20 October 2013

Drip Drop Splat!

This how my virtual drip painting turned out
Today I did some art called drip painting with Katie, this was a style of painting that was originated in World War ll. This is a way of doing abstract painting which is a painting of random colours but looks good. The hard thing about drip painting is knowing when to stop or when to change colour. To do some drip painting you need to never let the paintbrush touch the canvas and be able to control the brush by knowing how to do lines and blotches. To do a line you need to move the brush quickly over the canvas. You also need to saturate the brush in paint so that you have enough paint to create lines and blotches. We also did some virtual drip painting on My virtual art is above.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Tech challenge

A very great newspaper chair (not ours)
Today we had a Tech challenge and our challenge was to build a chair out of newspaper . The rules were it had to be a chair, had to hold a wooden frog that weighed about 1.5 kg, it had to be freestanding and you can only use the materials given to you. The materials given to us were: a roll of masking tape and five newspapers. To start are team made a stool which was going to be the base of the chair so the frog would be able to sit in it we then built the chair around it. finally after about 40 minutes our chair was complete and we took it down to the judging area where there were some pretty impressive chairs. There was one that was very strong but it was a triangle and there was another one with a table and one that fell over right on the spot so it was disqualified in the end we won!!!  Based on the judges decision they said that our chair looked great and would've been more comfortable to sit on than a triangle chair.