Sunday 7 July 2013

Changing behaviour

Imagine recycling or keeping your seatbelt on while you are in the car for a brilliant reward!

Well that is what we talked about at Jenni's workshop. We talked about changing behaviour in a way that rewards someone or something.We watched 2 videos on a website called fun theory, if you want to look at it here's a link: 

The first video that we watched was called the bottle bank arcade. The game was put outside a local place to recycle glass. The arcade machine works by flashing lights that sit on top of holes that you can fit your bottles in and you have to put them in before the light stops flashing to get points. At the end of the game it tells you how many points you got and the highest score.

The second video was about an invention called the play belt which teaches kids to keep their seatbelt on while in the car. To work the play belt you follow the screens instructions and then you can use the on screen entertainment device. But if you take your seatbelt off the screen automatically turns off and you can not use it until you put your seatbelt back on.

While I was at Jenni's workshop I learnt that you can change someone or somethings behaviour in different ways.