Sunday 19 May 2013

Flying Sparks!

Here is an example of what was happening when I was grinding
Today Brent (an expert on carpentry) came in to help me with my go-kart. Brent helped me grind the edges off my bumper on the front of the kart with his grinder. The grinder sends out heaps of hot sparks that burn you if they land on you. Next week I need to remember to wear pants so the sparks from the grinder don't burn me, and also so the sandflies don't bite me. We also bolted the deck of the go kart to the frame so I can sit in the go-kart and win the race down Bluff Hill!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Tannenbaums model of giftedness

Today we looked at Tannenbuams model of giftedness.

Tannenbaums model of giftedness is the sea star. The sea star has 5 things that you need to have to be gifted when you are a adult. The things are: Chance such as where you were born and who your parents are, Environmental support which is the environment around you, General ability is just your abilities to do things, Non intellective requisites is pretty much task commitment and special aptitude is that you choose to take opportunities.

So the big message Tannenbaum told us was ability alone does not accomplish anything.