Sunday 24 February 2013


Today we did a PMI about what its like being gifted. PMI stands for Plus, Minus, Interesting. The pluses about being gifted is that I get to come to Enrich, I think differently and I get more oppurtunities  in life. The bad things about being gifted is people think you know everything, sometimes you have to dumb down your coversations and I think differently to other people. The interesting things about being gifted is that you have to develop your gift, and some people I know are gifted but they don't go to Enrich.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Concept Curriculum

Here is an example of a pattern
Today we found out what our concept curriculum is, it is ... PATTERNS!!! We made a list of things items or objects that include patterns or are patterns itself. Some of the ideas we had are...Algebra, clothes, art , nature and loads more. Some people say there are 4 types of patterns: order, strength,beauty and survival. We also looked up "patterns" in the dictionary it said that it was a decorative design, a sequence or repetitive thing.