Monday 26 November 2012

Egg Drop

4 egg drops 
Today I did an experiment called Egg-drop. While doing this I learnt what a fair test was and what inertia is. Inertia is when something is in a state of rest, (when there is no outside force.) A fair test is when you do an experiment 3 times to make sure it is correct. In the experiment we had a glass that was 3/4 full of water. Next we put a sheet of plastic on top of the glass (centered.) After that we put a cardboard tube on top of the plastic. Now comes the egg! We lay the egg sideways on the plastic tube. Exciting part comes now. We smacked the plastic sheet off the glass.

-If you do it right the egg should fall in the glass because of gravity.

Monday 19 November 2012

Peters Online Typing Course

Peters online typing course is a course that tells you where your fingers go what keys to press with which fingers. It is hard, but practice makes perfect. Today I learnt  the 2 bumps on the J and F keys are where your fingers are supposed to go I thought it was confusing at first but I got the hang of it.

Here is a link: 

Monday 5 November 2012

The Sea Shepherd Mission

Today Grant (a member of the Sea Shepherd crew) came to talk to us about what Sea Shepherd does to help save marine animals (mainly whales). The Japanese hunt and kill whales illegally. They get away with this by saying they are doing research on whales. The Japanese have 4 boats:1 factory ship and 3 harpoon ships. The harpoon ships kill the whales and bring them to the factory ship. this is a video of a flashbang grenade against Japan"s Factory ship. The Sea Shepherd currently have 3 ships:  Bob Barker, Steve Irwin and Gojira. Next year the Japanese are going to kill 0 whales
Sea sheper

Monday 29 October 2012

Waihopai River Restoration

I am in the bottom left corner
Today at Enrich we went to the Waihopai river and planted 250 toitoi and flax. The flax and toitoi traps the mud and sediment (when the river floods) so it wont get back into the river.We were helped by Environment Southland, Hannah M, Hannah H, Kate and Madison. My partner was Hyrum  and together we planted about 25 trees. At morning tea the girls gave us juice boxes! Darryn's dog Bruce was there and he almost squashed 1 of our plants!